Natural Edge Bowls are cool - bark edges, irregular shaped rim, warping, bark intrusions, even checks - these irregularities are the name of the game for a bowl like this - turn it wet and then nuke it in the microwave to accelerate and accentuate the warping. And along with these imperfections comes a set of challenges for turning the bowl on the lathe, not otherwise part of bowl making - catches, chuck or faceplate tear-out, sanding problems, etc. Not an easy bowl to make, but therein lies the challenge...
OK enough drama - This bowl had me banging my head against the wall, and in the end I settled for about 3/8" thickness, where I would have liked to go to 1/4", but still a satisfying project when all is said and done. Thanks to Keith Tilley for the tree!
Due to the challenges in turning a natural edge bowl, I'll have to charge more than for a regular bowl, or even an enclosed form. Plus the availability of good, natural-edge wood is intermittent. $2.00 per square inch of profile, plus wood. This bowl would be $30.00 including wood.
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