These hand-turned solid hardwood goblets are made from ambrosia maple. Ambrosia refers to the fungus that causes the black streaks. It's introduced by beetles that cary the spores with them. They burrow in to dead maple trees, lay eggs, and leave, and the spores they leave behind begin to break down the walls of the hole into food the larvae can eat. When they grow up and leave, they take the spores with them. The fungus only exists in symbiosis with the beetles, and the beetles can't live without the fungus. Cool stuff. The resulting staining pattern in the maple is distinct, dramatic, and beautiful.
Turning these goblets was exciting and challenging - the hollowing technique for endgrain is completely different from that used for sidegrain like in bowls. It was also a challenge to make the two goblets look the same. There are subtle differences that are a mark of hand-turned work. These were made as a set for a gift for a bridal shower.

This second set was made much later for a different customer - same kind of wood, but different shape.
Goblets this size (3" diameter x 8" height, approximate) start at $55 each from ambrosia maple. Other woods are available but may be priced differently. Order more than one and get $10 off your order.
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